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ICTBI2013 – 2nd International Conference on Translational Biomedical Informatics

The 2nd International Conference on Translational Biomedical Informatics will be held in Taicang, China, on Sep 20-22th, 2013. The main topics of ICTBI will be about translational bioinformatics and systems medicine. The sections in the conference will cover the topics of translational medicine, bioinformatics, imaging informatics, clinical informatics and health informatics, but not limited to them.

Beginning in 2012, ICTBI is a series of international conferences, which provide unique opportunities that bridge informatics and experiments, academics and industries, local researchers and expertise from abroad, to promote the translation of the knowledge discovering basic research and medical application. Last year, we held ICTBI 2012 successfully.

Language: The working language of the conference will be English.

Conference homepage: http://ictbi.imed-cn.org/ictbi2013/

Time: Sep. 20-22, 2013

Place: Jin Jiang international Hotel, 89 Shanghai East Road, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China

Deadline for full paper submission has been extended until April 30, 2013

Submission of poster/demo abstracts has been extended until May 31



Important Dates

Early-bird registration until July 15 August 15, 2013

Full paper submissions Feb 1 - Mar 31 April 30, 2013

Poster and demo abstract submissions Feb 1 - May 11, 2013

Breakout session proposals Feb 1 - May 4, 2013

Author notifications for full paper submissions May 15 - 31 June 1 - 10, 2013

Author notifications for poster and demo abstract submissions May 15 - 31 June 10 - 15, 2013

Late-breaking abstract submissions Jul 5 - 15, 2013

Deadline for accommodation booking August 31, 2013

Conference Sep 20 - 22, 2013
